Tallinn synagogues/Pray houses |
06/03/07 |
Abram Gurevitsch - 100 Years from birth |
15/09/17 |
Link to Photo album |
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Jossef Frank - memoirs |
11/04/07 |
Jossif Kats "A spark of the Jewish soul" (2004) |
16/04/08 |
The Tallinn New Synagogue - 1.Jewish History of Tallinn |
23/05/07 |
The Tallinn New Synagogue - 2. The new synagogue |
23/05/07 |
The Tallinn New Synagogue - 3. A walk in Tallinn New Synagogue |
23/05/07 |
The opening of the new synagogue 16/5/2007 - album |
18/05/07 |
Interview with David Slomka (2001) |
29/09/08 |
"The walking stick of the shames" |
05/06/08 |
"Tora entered its new home" |
02/09/08 |
Cantonists and the synagogue |
07/08/10 |
Kalle Kasemaa "Dealing with Judaism and judaistic literature in Estonia" |
29/09/10 |
Tallinn synagogue plan - year 1883 - EAA.33.3.1601 |
23/12/11 |
Tartu synagogue plan - year 1901 - EAA.298.2.230 |
23/12/11 |
"Pre-war Jewish Tartu" - Ralph Hershaw (Hirschovitsch) |
12/11/12 |
"Estonian synagogues" - Leo Gens |
11/01/13 |
Tallinn religious congregation in 1909 - list etc. |
12/08/14 |
Composition of the Jewish religious community of Revel in 1888. |
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Pre war Tallinn rabbies |
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