Estonian Jews murdered during the German occupation (1941-44) |
Work in progress |
20/12/17 |
The list of Tallinn Jews (men) sentenced to execution before 6/10/1941 |
ERA.F.R-64.1.100 |
22/01/14 |
Moritz Rybak interrogation documents |
ERA.R-64.4.672 |
12/04/10 |
Ber Goldmann interrogation documents |
ERA.R-64.4.1059 |
05/06/06 |
Holocaust of Estonian Jews and Estonians |
M. Maripuu |
18/10/09 |
Refusal to build a memorial on the Rahumäe cemetery (1968) |
14/10/06 |
Murdering of Pärnu children |
P. Udikas, M. Maripuu |
21/10/09 |
Telling the sad truth |
a letter |
26/03/07 |
Link to album |
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Movie "Your name shall be called Israel" (fragment) |
Irina Stelmach |
25/02/07 |
Anti-Jewish policy implementation in Estonia during the WWII |
Meelis Maripuu - Tartu 2007 |
24/07/07 |
"How was it..." |
Eugenia Gurin-Loov |
18/12/07 |
"The Jews from Finland in the Tallinn Central prison" |
21/06/08 |
Conclusions of the International Commission for the Investigation of Crimes Against Humanity (Tallinn, 2006) | |
18/06/08 |
"The evening shoes of a hair-dresser lady" |
Viio Aitsam |
05/09/08 |
"Why the Holocaust Does Not Matter to Estonians" |
Anton Weiss-Wendt |
26/09/17 |
Translation of an yidish poem written by anonymous in Klooga camp in May 1944 |
Translated by Isak Bachmat |
03/05/09 |
"Terrible end" - from the book |
Guido Pant |
30/05/09 |
"Jewish files - Tallinn" - an excerpt from the book "Murder without hatred" |
Anton Weiss-Wendt |
21/10/09 |
Visiting Otto farm in Kloogaranna village |
Aavi Dobrush |
21/11/09 |
"Under the Judenfrei sign: Holocaust in the Nazi-occupied Estonian territory 1941-1944" |
The Estonian Jewish Community |
06/02/12 |
How Arnold Peets helped (saved) a Jewish woman |
Eve Peets |
01/12/09 |
Document R58/218 from Bundesarchiv Berlin |
12.10.1941 |
16/01/10 |
The tragedy of one family |
Sirp ja Vasar 19.7.1963 |
10/08/10 |
Proclamation of the Supreme Council of Estonian Republic |
30.12.1991 |
01/02/11 |
To the estonian Jewish national concil |
4.6.1919 |
22/10/10 |
Erika Suits |
08/11/10 |
The execution of estonian Jews in the local detention institutions in 1941-1942 |
From "Estonia 1940–1945: Reports of the Estonian International Commission for the Investigation of Crimes Against Humanity", Tallinn, 2006 |
16/01/11 |
Jewish concentration camps Vaivara and Old Viivikond |
Boris Lipkin |
21/04/11 |
Holocaust and nazzi occupation of Estonia |
Jekaterina Zamarina |
21/04/11 |
Appeal |
1933 |
03/05/11 |
My fight for survival in Vaivara |
Boris Kacel |
12/12/11 |
Opening of the memory gallery - 27.1.2012 |
20/06/12 |
The list of Klooga camp inmates |
ERA.R-170 |
05/07/12 |
Jews have been asked to leave the cafe |
Postimees |
22/08/12 |
Relations with the local population |
Dworzecki. „The Jewish camps in Estonia“ |
16/09/12 |
Klooga concentration camp - terrible end of the Vaivara system |
Riho Västrik |
20/10/12 |
The Tartu concentration camp |
Riho Västrik |
30/07/17 |
Approaching the crossroads |
Simona Pipko |
30/10/12 |
Report of camp Klooga survey produced by the Prosecutor's Office of the Estonian SSR |
29.9.1944 |
18/11/12 |
"The persecution of Jews in Estonia in the late 1940s and early 1950s" |
Olev Liivik |
01/03/13 |
"Wannsee protocol" |
23/04/13 |
"Despite his ethnicity, he was a very respected man and a good doctor" |
04/07/13 |
"No comments" |
03/07/13 |
"Numerus clausus" |
09/10/13 |
"Jewish Christian Israel Johannes Rubanovitsch" |
03/11/13 |
"My mind is made up. Don't confuse me with the facts" |
M. Rybak |
16/11/13 |
Outdoor exposition "Klooga camp and the Holocaust". 16.9.2013.
26/01/14 |
The bells of Mechelen (The story of Hermann Brisk from Põltsamaa)
07/03/14 |
Himmler's doctor from Tartu
26/05/14 |
"What do they want, these Jews?" |
Jaan Kaplinski (Vikerkaar 8/9, 2001) |
14/06/14 |
70 years since Klooga tragedy. 16.9.2013.
25/09/14 |
The influx of German Jews to Estonia is not desirable. |
1933 |
06/10/14 |
Alaots family |
22/11/14 |
Place of the Holocaust in the Soviet memorial landscape |
А. Tcherkasski |
21/01/15 |
E. Gurin-Loov speech at the first Holocaust remembrence meeting 2.5.1989 |
21/03/15 |
Abuse of psychiatric hospitalization in the Soviet Union. L.K. case |
Peeter Kaasik |
09/09/15 |
Tartu scientists' letter to the newspaper "Комсомольская Правда". 1967. |
09/02/16 |
"Holocaust in Estonia" - the Tallinn Jewish school project. |
Pavel Fleisher |
27/02/16 |
Soviet anti zionist caricatures (1967-1979) - text in Russian |
Hirsch Hasak |
07/09/16 |
75 years from the Wannsee conference |
М. Maripuu, Т. Hiio |
02/05/17 |
The Nazi vision of the reorganisation of Europe: destruction, racist hierarchies, resettlement. |
Ruth Bettina Birn |
11/06/17 |
"Vaivara" - a chapter from "Encyclopedia of Camps and Ghettos, 1933-1945" |
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum |
26/06/17 |
Estonian Jews. Holocaust. History and modernity. |
I. Talis (The Jewish school) |
25/07/17 |
"Holocaust in my family's history" - in memory of my grandfather J. Judeikin. |
L. Borodkina. 2002 |
25/07/17 |
"The Story of Theodore Balberyszski (from Vilno ghetto to camp Klooga) |
M. Talvet-Mustonen, A. Seiler |
19/01/18 |